Michael Blazier
Dean of CFANR and Director of FRC and Professor
Phone: +1 8704601152
Email: Blazier@tccestates.com
B.S. Forest Management, Louisiana Tech University (1997)
M.S. Forest Ecophysiology, Oklahoma State University (1999)
Ph.D. Environmental Science, Oklahoma State University (2003)
Administrative Interests
I hold dual administrative roles with the University of Arkansas system. I serve
as the Dean of the College of Forestry, Agriculture, and Natural Resources; in this
capacity I support our faculty and staff in educating the next generation of foresters,
farmers, ranchers, and natural resource management professionals. I also serve as
the Director of the Arkansas Forest Resources Center of the University of Arkansas
System Division of Agriculture. In the Director role, I support our faculty in their
diverse research to improve the knowledge base of the abundant natural resources of
Arkansas and beyond. As Director I also support our extension faculty in their efforts
to convey research-based information to landowners and professionals to improve their
forest, farm, and wildlife management.